Fallen Angel
 Fallen Angel by Cabanel
An angel fallen from grace,
he feels the fire within
and lives the darkness,
knows the hunger
and the ache....
but what majesty there,
what awesome power,
as sooted wings beat
the rhythm of life
into the stale air
of pontifical piousness.
Possessed of the beauty
of gods
and the dreams
of demons
he walks streets of shadow,
yet holds within his hands
the light
of a thousand suns,
and within his words
echo a chorus of seraphim
that chant out psalms
of truth.
Fallen angel,
wings aflame,
burnt offerings to
the gods of desire...
and I warm my soul
against that fire
and fill myself with
the beauty
that smoulders deep
within the ashes
of his pain.
phantom...(c) wla, 3-15-2000
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